
Xitrum includes jQuery Validation plugin for validation at client side and provides validation helpers for server side.

Default validators

Xitrum provides validators in xitrum.validator package. They have these methods:

check(value): Boolean
message(name, value): Option[String]
exception(name, value)

If the validation check does not pass, message will return Some(error message), exception will throw xitrum.exception.InvalidInput(error message).

You can use validators anywhere you want.

Action example:

import xitrum.validator.Required

class CreateArticle {
  def execute() {
    val title = param("tite")
    val body  = param("body")
    Required.exception("Title", title)
    Required.exception("Body",  body)

    // Do with the valid title and body...

If you don’t try and catch, when the validation check does not pass, Xitrum will automatically catch the exception and respond the error message to the requesting client. This is convenient when writing web APIs or when you already have validation at the client side.

Model example:

import xitrum.validator.Required

case class Article(id: Int = 0, title: String = "", body: String = "") {
  def isValid           = Required.check(title)   &&     Required.check(body)
  def validationMessage = Required.message(title) orElse Required.message(body)

See xitrum.validator pakage for the full list of default validators.

Write custom validators

Extend xitrum.validator.Validator. You only have to implement check and message method.

You can also use Commons Validator.