Scala allow writing literal XML. Xitrum uses this feature as its “template engine”:

  • Scala checks XML syntax at compile time: Views are typesafe.

  • Scala automatically escapes XML: Views are XSS-free by default.

Below are some tips.

Unescape XML

Use scala.xml.Unparsed:

import scala.xml.Unparsed

  {Unparsed("if (1 < 2) alert('Xitrum rocks');")}

Or use <xml:unparsed>:

    if (1 < 2) alert('Xitrum rocks');

<xml:unparsed> will be hidden in the output:

  if (1 < 2) alert('Xitrum rocks');

Group XML elements

<div id="header">
  {if (loggedIn)
      <a href={url[LogoutAction]}>Logout</a>
      <a href={url[LoginAction]}>Login</a>
      <a href={url[RegisterAction]}>Register</a>

<xml:group> will be hidden in the output, for example when the use has logged in:

<div id="header">
  <b>My username</b>
  <a href="/login">Logout</a>

Render XHTML

Xitrum renders views and layouts as XHTML automatically. If you want to render it yourself (rarely), pay attention to the code below.

import scala.xml.Xhtml

val br = <br />
br.toString            // => <br></br>, some browsers will render this as 2 <br />s
Xhtml.toXhtml(<br />)  // => "<br />"