JavaScript and JSON


Xitrum includes jQuery. There are some jsXXX helpers.

Add JavaScript fragments to view

In your action, call jsAddToView (multiple times if you need):

class MyAction extends AppAction {
  def execute() {
    jsAddToView("alert('Hello again')")
    respondInlineView(<p>My view</p>)

In your layout, call jsForView:

import xitrum.Action
import xitrum.view.DocType

trait AppAction extends Action {
  override def layout = DocType.html5(
        <div id="flash">{jsFlash}</div>

Respond JavaScript directly without view

To respond JavaScript:

jsRespond("$('#error').html(%s)".format(jsEscape(<p class="error">Could not login.</p>)))

To redirect:



Xitrum includes JSON4S. Please read about it to know how to parse and generate JSON.

To convert between Scala case object and JSON string:

import xitrum.util.SeriDeseri

case class Person(name: String, age: Int, phone: Option[String])
val person1 = Person("Jack", 20, None)
val json    = SeriDeseri.toJson(person1)
val person2 = SeriDeseri.fromJson[Person](json)

To respond JSON:

val scalaData = List(1, 2, 3)  // An example

JSON is also neat for config files that need nested structures. See Load config files.