
Use object xitrum.Log directly

From anywhere, you can call like this directly:

xitrum.Log.debug("My debug msg")
xitrum.Log.info("My info msg")

Use trait xitrum.Log

If you want to have the information about where (which class) the log has been made, you should extend trait xitrum.Log:

package my_package
import xitrum.Log

object MyModel extends Log {
  log.debug("My debug msg")
  log.info("My info msg")

In file log/xitrum.log you will see that the log messages comes from MyModel.

Xitrum actions extend trait xitrum.Log, so in actions, you can do write:

log.debug("Hello World")

Don’t have to check log level before logging

xitrum.Log is based on SLF4S (API), which is in turn based on SLF4J.

Traditionally, before doing a heavy calculation to get a result to log, you have to check log level to avoid wasting CPU to do the calculation.

SLF4S automatically does the check, so you don’t have to do the check yourself.

Before (this code doesn’t work for the current Xitrum 3.13+ any more):

if (log.isTraceEnabled) {
  val result = heavyCalculation()
  log.trace("Output: {}", result)


log.trace(s"Output: #{heavyCalculation()}")

Config log level, log output file etc.

In build.sbt, there’s a line like this:

libraryDependencies += "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.1.2"

This means that Logback is used by default. Logback config file is at config/logback.xml.

You may replace Logback with any other implementation of SLF4J.

Log to Fluentd

Fluentd is a very popular log collector. You can configure Logback to send log (maybe from many places) to a Fluentd server.

First, add logback-more-appenders library to your project:

libraryDependencies += "org.fluentd" % "fluent-logger" % "0.2.11"

resolvers += "Logback more appenders" at "http://sndyuk.github.com/maven"

libraryDependencies += "com.sndyuk" % "logback-more-appenders" % "1.1.0"

Then, in config/logback.xml:


<appender name="FLUENT" class="ch.qos.logback.more.appenders.DataFluentAppender">
  <maxQueueSize>20000</maxQueueSize>  <!-- Save to memory when remote server is down -->

<root level="DEBUG">
  <appender-ref ref="FLUENT"/>
  <appender-ref ref="OTHER_APPENDER"/>
